

Wasu Pulohi plant or parasite comes from the village of Stone in Central Sulawesi. This plant is found only in the mountains surrounding the village. Live and grow and spread its roots in the rock, hence the parasite named Stone.
This is known as a medicinal plant from a grandmother whose husband had cancer, this plant is processed and taken by her husband as directed. And apparently very powerful properties. The patient recovered without having to go through surgery. This herbal medicine is well known in the community have even been known and used in several major cities in Sulawesi. And the latter was not only effective for cancer but it can cure diseases and also in the nicotine and drug addiction.
The disease that has proven true is cured with herbal medicine among them such as:
1. asthma
2. hacking cough
3. Gross lung
4. lumbago
5. kidney
6. Kidney Stones
7. Folded intestine
8. Symptoms of Paralysis / Stroke
9. Difficult defecation
10. Tumor roots
11. Irregular menstruation
12. In the Hardware section tummy
13. Diabetes / Diabetes
14. heart
15. cholesterol
16. rheumatism
17. Uric Acid
18. Vomiting blood / TBC
19. Headache / Migraine
20. malaria
21. wormy
22. cramps Agency
23. mumps
24. eczema
25. Nicotine addiction
26. Drug addiction
27. Breast Cancer
28. Skin Cancer
29. Blood Cancer
30. Lung Cancer
31. spleen cancer
32. brain Cancer
33. etc.

Originally, the parasite is known as a herbaceous plant enthusiasts. There he used to form a circle (the environment) which gives the impression of dense, irregular, and less well maintained.
Parasite is not difficult to catch. You can find it in the woods, edges of roads, gardens and even fields. These plants reproduce by means of generative and vegetative (the first way, through seed dispersal, considered better than the second way).
In Flora Malesiana vol. 13 (1997) pointed out, there are two major groups of parasites, ie, from the family Loranthaceae and Viscaceae. Loranthaceae family has 23 genera (with 200 species of plants), of which Dendrophthoe genera (21 species) and Scurrula genera (8 species). While Viscaceae have four genera (26 species).
As a traditional medicine, people in different countries has actually been long used to treat a variety of parasitic diseases. As can be read from the old manuscript, "Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal" (1887), the existence and properties of the parasite was well known by the people of Indonesia for a long time, especially in Java, Sumatra, and Kalimantan.
In fact, records show ethnobotany, in Java in 1968, the parasite has been used as a cure measles, smallpox fire, diarrhea, hookworm, tumor, and cancer. In the 1978 study also reported ethnobotany, parasites, dry tea boiled water can be taken to cure cervical cancer and other cancers. While in 1980, turn brown parasites that are believed to cure breast tumor.

Then in 1983 it was discovered that lime parasites, parasite banyan tree, and herb tea with certain parasites can block the tumor. A year later, ethnobotany study once again found the facts on the ground, the water decoction of the leaves of the parasite and the virgin site (Catharanthus roseus), if taken, it can cure cancer.
In 1995, the author had visited the village Gentasari, Kroya, Cilacap, to observe the rampant use of mistletoe as a medicinal herb in the area. From the observations, the authors had found a colon cancer patient who successfully recovered from his illness, after drinking the decoction of mango parasites.

Not only efficacious in Indonesia, the properties of the parasite are also trusted by the people of Malaysia, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea. In these countries, the parasite is also used as traditional medicine. In Indochina, the parasite leaves Dendrophthoe pentandra (L.) Miq. often mixed with tea, and drunk as cold medicine. As for the parasite leaves Scurrula ghracififolia solution used to treat arthritis, boils, and strengthen teeth and hair growth. Other types of parasites, Viscum articulatum Burm. F boiled and taken twice a day to treat bronchitis. In China all parts of the parasite Scurrula parasitica, which has been dried, are used to strengthen kidney, soothe the uterus during pregnancy, strengthen bones, reduce swelling, relieve back pain and knee, and lower high blood pressure.

The Chinese also make use of mistletoe to treat disorders of the liver and stimulate hair growth. While Viscum articulatum believed to help overcome heart defects, and tuberculosis (TB).

What exactly is the secret of the parasite, so many people used as a cure various diseases?
No. According to Richter in Phytochemistry. 31 (1992), parasitic Loranthaceae and Viscaceae contains many flavonoids, such as chalcones, flavanones, c-glycoflavonols and flavan-3-ols. Flavonoids itself serves as a protector of the parasite from damage caused by the influence of ultraviolet light and are responsible for flower color, fruit, and leaves.
In pharmaceutical sciences, flavaoid known as anti-inflammatory compounds, antioxidants, pain relievers (analgesics), antivirus, anti-HIV, prevent liver toxicity, antikelebihan fats, stimulates the immune system, as a vasodilator (improving blood flow), to prevent blood clots, allergy, and anticancer.

The presence of flavonoids was supported by other substances are also found in parasites, such as proline, hydroproline, myo-inositol, and chiroinosotils. While mistletoe family Loranthaceae is believed to contain a lot of tannins. These compounds found in plant parasites, thanks to the cooperation with catechin gallic acid, which causes the density levels of tannins in the leaves and stalk stem. In pharmaceutical sciences, tannins are often used as a cure diarrhea, antidote, antiviral, anticancer, and anti-HIV.
To get a more convincing explanation of the efficacy of mistletoe, please ask the expert or experts ethnobotany phytochemicals nearest you.


A. Be careful not to buy disembarang place, because so many have forged it.
2. Herbal medicine is hard, do not be used by pregnant women.
3. Not justified taking this medicine, along with medical hospital / physician.
4. Not justified taking this medicine during the trip due to adverse drug reactions are always defecate or urinate kidney disease. Because this disease react with bowel movements repeated until a clean stomach.

Processing and Uses:

1. A small belt / pack (7 sticks) stewed with 1 liter of clean water, cooked continuously until the remaining water to 1 cup. 1 small pack of boiled 3 times (1 to 3 x packs of drink).
2. After the mixture cool, drunk with the recipe ½ cup ½ cup morning and evening, taken before meals for the first time taking this medicine.
3. Continued treatment, prescriptions taken after breakfast and afternoon.
4. For patients who physically weak, it is advisable to drink recipe 1/3 cups of the morning, 1/3 cup during the day and 1/3 cup afternoon.
5. For patients with chronic cancer or who are advised to drink recipe 3 times in 1 week 1 day berantara (1 day later).
6. Once the medication is taken 1 package (10 bungks small) should the patient to the doctor for examination to immediately know the state of illness.
7. It is recommended to drink that had healed for a small bungks 1 week 1 time.
8. The reaction was wrapped around the stomach pains and frequent bowel movements of black liquid.
9. For ulcer patients, the drug is taken after a meal.
10. There are no side effects, taken from the rules of this medication as directed.
11. If you can not stand the bitter taste, it is suggested after taking this medicine, take 1 teaspoon honey or eat a little bit of brown sugar to remove the bitter taste in the mouth.

May God bless all who sincerely endeavor ....

For more information please contact: 081341133139

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