
The sweet miracle

And Your God revealed to the bee, "Maked nests in hills, in trees, and in places that were made by humankind," afterwards ate from each one (the kind) the fruit and followed the Tuhanmu road that was facilitated (for you). From the bee stomach went out the drink (honey) that various colours, inside were received medicine that cured for humankind. Actually in like that really was gotten the sign (the greatness of the Lord) for people that think about. (QS. An-Nahl: 68-69) Do you know, how was honey the source of important food that was provided by Allah for humankind through these small insects

Honey was compiled on several sugar compounds like glucose and fructose as well as several minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium, natrium, klor, the sulphur, the iron, and phosphate. Honey also contained vitamins B1, B2, C, B6 and B3 that his composition kept changing in accordance with the quality of nectar and pollen. Besides this, in honey was gotten also a small amount of copper, iodine, and zinc, as well as several hormone kinds As the Allahs decree in Al Quran, honey was "medicine for humankind". This scientific fact was justified by the scientists who met in the Apikultur all World Conference (World Apiculture Conference) that was held on September 20-26 1993 in China. This conference discussed medical treatment by using the ingredients that came from honey. The American scientists said that honey, extravagant jelly, pollen, and pro-the policy could treat various illnesses. A Romanian doctor said that he mengujikan honey for medical treatment, and 2002 of the patients 2094 of the cataracts patient him recovered the total. The Polish doctors also said in this conference that bee resin could help recuperation of many illnesses like wasir, the problem of skin, the illness ginekologis, and various other illnesses.
Today, apikultur and the bee product opened the branch of the new research in countries that have gone up in the matter of science. The benefit of other honey could be explained below this:
Was easy to be digested: Because the sugar molecule could to honey change to other sugar (for example fructose became glucose), honey was easy was dissolved by the most sensitive stomach although, although having the content of high acid. Honey helped the kidney and the intestines to function better.
Low calorie: the Quality of other honey was, if compared with the amount of same sugar, the content calorie honey 40% lower. Although giving big energy, honey did not increase the weight.
Protracted faster through blood: If being mixt with warm water, honey could berdifusi in blood in time seven minutes. His free sugar molecule made the functioning brain better because of the brain was pengonsumsi biggest sugar.
Helped the formation of blood: Honey provided much energy that was needed the body for the formation of blood. More again far, he helped the cleaning of blood. Honey was influential positive in arranging and helping the circulation of blood. Honey also functioned as the patron towards the problem of the capillary artery and arteriosclerosis.
Killed the bacteria: the characteristics of honey that killed the bacteria were acknowledged as the "effect" of the "inhibition". The research about honey showed that these characteristics increased twice by the fold when being diluted with water. It was really interesting that the bee that just was born in the colony was given ate watery honey by responsible bees treated they-seem like they knew this sweet capacity.

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