
Royal Jelly for Cancer, Depression, Immunity, fertility, skin

The actual chemical make-up of royal jelly remains an unreaveled Royal secret. The fact is that we can’t Recreate Royal Jelly by a recipe or something! Royal Jelly is a delicate liquid. As soon as it’s removed from the sterile environment it can get infected. Standalone it can bee kept in a freezer for about 6 months. For preserving it, beekeepers also use lyophilizing. Mixing it with honey is another way to keep it in good shape for about a year.

Japanese researchers gave royal jelly to laboratory mice before transplanting different types of cancer cells in her. And the results: Royal jelly had some dramatic effects on sarcoma cells. The life of the mouse prolonged for a fifth, tumor cells desintegrated and tumors were about half the size, compared to the average untreated mouse. Royal Jelly has also been found to be a great fighter against the chemo and radio-therapy side effects. Royal Jelly’s Amino acids can help recover the immune system and provide a defense against the attacking microbes. Royal Jelly rebuilds the good cells that are destroyed during therapy. Though many more serious research is needed to really ensure it’s cancer fighting cappabilities, experience and common knowledge proves royal jelly sure is multifuctional and very benefitial even with severe conditions like cancer.
Royal Jelly is known for its calming effect on nevrotic, manic or depressed people. It works like antideepressive and is effective whenever you feel strong negative emotions such as sorrow, sadness, fear etc. Combating depression with bee products might sound silly at first but experts agree that powerfull royal jelly influence can help people completely overcomme or at least moderate depression and many other simptomes of emotional problems or illnesses. Emotional problems ussually appear at the breaking points in our life:
• Menopause
• Growing up
• Mourning
• Retiring
• Exams
Depression is often recognized as a lack of energy. When we are full of energy, we react diferently, think positive thoughts and make positive decisions. With depression life can become a lonely valley of dark thoughts. With Royal Jelly effects we can overcome problems more easily and therefore live longer and happier. Like many other antioxidants, bee jelly is a
powerfull energizer which can make us feel vivid, full of life energy.
Royal Jelly contains amino and gamma globulin, which helps your immune system fight infections. Royal Jelly also contains elements needed to transmit nerve messages. Researchers report royal jelly works like a strong antibiotic - it kills all sorts of bacteria and microbes.

That’s probably one of the most common myths regarding Queen Bee Jelly. But is it true? Can it bee that Bee Jelly influence your or your spouse’s pregnancy? Can it help you to get a baby? Well. Let’s look at some facts:
Nature developed Royal jelly to fed the growing queen. Bee jelly consists of about two thirds of water and helps the queen live much longer compared to the two months of the worker bee’s life. The queen bee gives birth to up to 2000 bee eggs a day and is therefore very very fertile. Her diet consists exclusivelly of Royal Jelly. So it works for bees, but is it also good for me?
Royal Jelly is very good at boosting reproduction options for bees, but many people also say using it worked wery well for them:
• faster conception for women and even
• boosting potence for men.
Let’s see why. Royal jelly seems to change juvenile hormone. In a bee life royal jelly influences maturing larvae so females fully develop their fertile organs. The jelly seems to do something to the hormone levels and changes things dramatically. Workers who don’t get it have no babies - a queen fed solely with Royal jelly makes 2000 babies per day. You do the math elatin is also found in royal jelly. Therefore it is believed royal jelly to be a powerful anti-aging thing that helps you to stay joung and healthy in your body. Your outer part, your skin, needs to be energized, daily cleaned … And you can do all that with cosmetics based on royal jelly.
Royal jelly is famous for it’s strong antibacterial activity. It reverses the skin aging process, that is why Bee jelly is often used in skin cosmetics. You’ll find royal jelly in many facial and all other things used for helping problematic skin, full of acna, pimples etc.
Besides many proven health benefits Royal jelly should also be regarded as potentially dangerous because it may cause allergic reaction. People allergic to specific pollens have developed side effects such as asthma, hives, and anaphylactic shock after ingesting royal jelly. Bees are exposed to various bacterial and chemical contaminants that might be incorporated in products for human consumption. Although royal jelly contains substances like antibiotics,during product processing, all sorts of dirty things can come near and contaminate it. However, there is a rather small chance of this to happen.

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