
Uses and side effects royal jelly

The study of bees and their products is no longer relegated to the status of folk medicine. Since both beekeeping and harvesting of products are carried out under technically advanced conditions, apitherapy has reached the stage of scientific medicine. The general interest in bee products for the treatment and prevention of various ailments on the part of medical practitioners and laymen alike attests to the validity of bee products as health aids.

Royal jelly has been reported as a possible immunomodulatory agent in Graves' disease.It has also been reported to stimulate the growth of glial cells and neural stem cells in the brain, Independent research has already disproved, or is needed to confirm or disprove, several other purported health claims, such as reports of hormonal activity (unknown in the bees themselves, the most abundant sterol is cholesterol, which is not itself a hormone). To date, there is only preliminary evidence that it may have some cholesterol-lowering effects, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and antibiotic effects, though the last three of these effects are unlikely to be realized if ingested (destruction of the substances involved through digestion, or neutralization via changes in pH). There are also some preliminary experiments (on cells and lab animals) in which royal jelly may have some benefit regarding certain other diseases, although there is no solid evidence for those claims, and further experimentation and validation is urgently needed. It can also be found in various beauty products.
Royal jelly has some amazing medicinal properties. It is both an antibiotic and bactericide. Royal jelly also is a powerful anti-oxidant. Some of the many reported benefits of royal jelly :
• Helps maintain lower cholesterol
• Helps promote mental alertness
• Helps combat dizziness, buzzing in the ears
• Found to be helpful to people who suffer from nervousness, anxiety and memory loss
• Found to greatly improve energy levels thereby helping eliminate fatigue
• Fortifies your natural immune system to help your body fight infections and diseases.
• Treating bronchial asthma and liver disease.
• Helps enhance sexual desire and performance.
• Treating stomach ulcer and bone fractures
• Have the ability to restore the skin 's youthfulness and improve the skin beauty. It is because royal jelly is rich in nucleic acids - Gelatin, is the one of the precursors of collagen. Collagen is famous as anti-aging element

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